Our People
Supporting the growth of the Lancashire economy by developing people's skills
Creating sustainable skills and employment to drive prosperity is key to Lancashire’s future – supporting this is the
Skills and Employment Board and the Lancashire Skills and Employment Hub.
Skills and Employment Board
The Skills and Employment Board was established in 2013 and it considers skills and employment priorities within Lancashire; which includes the areas supported by Lancashire County Council, Blackburn with Darwen Unitary Authority and Blackpool Unitary Authority.
Lancashire is one of the largest local economies in the North of England with a population of 1.5m people, Lancashire’s economy generates over £35bn in Gross Value Added with 53,000 businesses, supporting 730,000 jobs.
Meet the Skills and Employment Board Board Members
Access Skills and Employment Board meeting agendas and minutes
Lancashire Skills and Employment Hub
We are a strategic team of experienced professionals, who are the engine behind the Skills and Employment Board supporting them and enabling a balanced, skilled and inclusive labour market which underpins and contributes to economic well-being and growth across Lancashire.
We have developed an evidence base to help us identify skills and employment issues across Lancashire. This evidence base, alongside consultation with stakeholders, has been used to develop a Lancashire Skills and Employment Strategic Framework, which underpins everything we do.
The Strategic Framework sets out the skills and employment priorities for Lancashire and we work in partnership with a wide range of partners and stakeholders to achieve the objectives set out in the framework.
Meet the Skills and Employment Hub Team . . .
Kerry L. O. Harrison
Digital Skills Coordinator
Joseph Mount
Skills & Economic Intelligence Manager
Paul Hannant
Project Co-ordinator Lancashire Apprenticeship Service
David Prince
Project Officer Skills Bootcamps
Joanna O’Donnell
Project Manager Skills Bootcamps
Leigh McLaughlin
Employment & Skills Coordinator (Social Value)
Lauren Capstick
Strategic Partnership Manager
Sankara Saravanan
Stephen Norman
Project Officer (Skills Bootcamps)
Joanna Dunnagan
Project Officer (Skills Pledge)
Mark Spanner
Project Officer – Skills Bootcamps
Nicola Lee
Project Manager - Multiply
Dr Michele Lawty-Jones
Sara Gaskell
Manager of the Lancashire Skills Hub