Lancashire’s Technical Education Vision brings together stakeholders, education providers and business, recognising the need to build a high performing system to address skills shortages and boost productivity.
Lancashire was the first region to produce a defined Technical Education Vision for the local area. We recognised a need for a Technical Education Vision due to recent and ongoing rapid policy, technological and economic developments. Consultation with partners resulted in a flexible and future facing vision which supports the development of Technical Education in Lancashire.
The Lancashire Technical Education Vision aims to:
- Grow the productivity of Lancashire’s workers and businesses
- Anticipate and respond to market and technology change, with provision that is driven by employer demand
- Start with careers education and experiences at primary school level and support individuals at all points in their working lives
- Work to ensure providers and employers collaborate on the design and delivery of education and training
- Provide a co-ordinated and joined-up offer to learners and employers, through collective planning and management
A key aim of this Vision is to provide consensus and direction for Lancashire’s ambitions for our Technical Education system. Essential to this is an understanding of the labour market demands that the education sector is seeking to meet, and the patterns of labour supply.
In June 2023, we published a Progress Review of the Technical Education Vision. This illustrates the progress over 5 years towards the aims of the vision. Partners in Lancashire have shared evidence of the progress made including new resources available, delivery of new and innovative learning opportunities, collaborative initiatives such as the Institute of Technology, Lancashire’s frontline approach to delivery of Boot Camps and development of a Local Skills Improvement Plan. See the Progress Review here
Download the original Technical Education Vision Summary Report
Download the original Technical Education Vision Full Report
For further information please contact us