Google for Education
Teach from Anywhere is a website originally set up during lockdown (2020) to help give teachers and families the tools and tips they need to help keep students learning. However there are lots of resources on how to use Google Suite (e.g. Google Classroom, Slides etc). You can see them here.
If Google Classroom is what you want to know more about, then this Google Slide has links to all sorts of on demand video tutorials and the Classroom Help Centre also has numerous guides to navigate the features.
Further training resources can be found on their ‘For Educators‘ page – there is basic training right up to being able to qualify as a Google Certified Educator Level 1 or Level 2.
Google’s Applied Digital Skills resource contains 250+ hours of content for teachers to use with students to teach digital skills or can be used by teachers to upskill themselves. Designed for all levels of ability to use.
Finally another teaching resource designed by Google which can also be used by teachers to explore computer science – Code with Google.
Microsoft’s Education Centre
This resource allows you to learn how to use Microsoft Technology in your classroom in effective and engaging ways. You can explore ideas, resources and lesson plans. You can track your own learner journey through badges and points; you can also share your training transcript with others.
Office 365 – Whether you want to learn the basics of office apps such as Excel or Word or work smarter, after learning new tips and tricks, the Office 365 Training Center offers a range of training for you to access for free.
Microsoft Teams – Video training on how to use Microsoft Teams can be accessed here.
The iDEA Award
Not just for young people, the iDEA Award is available for adults of all abilities to complete. The Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award (iDEA) is described as an international programme that helps you develop digital, enterprise and employability skills for free. You complete a series of online challenges and collect badges when successful. Each badge has points and 250 points gets you your Bronze Award, an industry-recognised award. Read more about it here.

BT Skills for Tomorrow
A free online resource to learn digital skills for daily life, for work life, for business. Click here to find out more.
Zoom have multiple resources to support development of skills in using their tool. Find out more here. Or there are multiple great tutorials on YouTube such as this one for absolute beginners:
Sync Education
A series of webinars on using different apps in the classroom (both a physical or a virtual one). Predominantly iPad based and suitable for primary and secondary settings.