To achieve Lancashire’s skills and employment objectives we need to collaborate and work in partnership with organisations across Lancashire.
Without our partners and stakeholders Lancashire’s objectives will not be achieved. Our partners and stakeholders include employers, business representative bodies, local authorities, schools, colleges, private training providers, universities and the third sector.
We bring together partners to coordinate and facilitate more effective ways of working collaboratively to achieve the objectives within each of our themes: Future Workforce, Inclusive Workforce, Skilled and Productive Workforce and Social Value.
The Adult Skills Forum and our Skills Hub Updates are two examples of how we enable collaboration and partnership working, for further information about either of these forums please contact us.
Our objectives are shaped by the information and intelligence provided by our partners and stakeholders, it is essential that we understand the needs of Lancashire to ensure our Informed Approach and evidence base is robust and the work it directs has impact.
If you would like to contribute to our evidence base please contact us.
For updates on the latest partnership activities check out our X Feed @LancsSkillsHub or LinkedIn Pages @LancsSkillsHub
Lancashire was the first area in the country to launch a Local Digital Skills Partnership. The Lancashire Digital Skills Partnership brings together public, private and charity sector organisations to address local digital skills needs. Lots of good work already happens in Lancashire to improve the digital skills landscape and the Partnership provides co-ordination. We do this by highlighting good practice and working with partners to fill gaps in provision to ensure Lancashire becomes a digital skills hot spot.
If you would like to get involved in the Lancashire Digital Skills Partnership, see further details here.