Seeking Employers to join the Lancashire Skills and Employment Advisory Panel

Creating sustainable skills and employment to drive prosperity is key to Lancashire’s future.  The Lancashire Skills and Employment Advisory Panel, which is part of the Lancashire Enterprise Partnership (LEP) is focused on identifying skills and employment priorities across Lancashire.  We work with employers, education providers and partners to address the skills demands of Lancashire’s businesses and to improve the economic health and well-being of our people.  In the new and evolving context, the collective work of the Panel and its partners is significant in addressing the impact of Covid-19 on our people and our labour market.

We are seeking employers to join the Lancashire Skills and Employment Advisory Panel to help us develop our strategy and plans and direct investment and resources.  Ideally we are seeking individuals from the following sectors:

  • Energy and Low Carbon
  • Digital
  • Advanced Manufacturing
  • Health

The board meets six times a year, typically 8-10am on Wednesday mornings. You would also be asked to get involved in events and activities on an ad-hoc basis throughout the year.  Ideally members will have the ability to represent their sector and have an insight into the skills and employment issues that employers in their sector are experiencing.

For information about the Lancashire Skills and Employment Hub and the work of the panel, please visit our website: and for information about the LEP see:

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