Take on an Apprentice
Do you want to fill skills gaps in your organisation using apprentices? Are you looking to recruit an apprentice and need support?
The Lancashire Work Based Learning (WBL) Executive Forum works with colleges and training providers across Lancashire to provide the highest quality of work based learning opportunities to young people and adults within the workforce to the benefit of employers and the wider society in Lancashire.
We collectively we want to support employers in creating the workforce they need. We want to enable employers to recruit, upskill and provide quality training for Lancashire residents with the county’s employers.
More than 10,000 businesses in the county benefit from offering apprenticeships, research shows work-based learning boosts productivity, improves business performance and delivers a committed and competent workforce.
Lancashire WBL Executive Forum and its member providers and colleges are dedicated to enabling employers to make the most of recruiting and training apprentices in a number of ways.
Whether employers are looking to recruit new staff or upskill their existing workforce, help is readily available. By using Lancashire training providers and colleges, employers will receive sector updates, shared practice and development news.
What are the benefits?
Employers operating apprenticeship programmes also enjoy many additional benefits in relation to recruiting new apprentices and upskilling their current workforce:
Recruiting apprentices enables employers to fill skills gaps in their workforce as apprentices learn sector specific skills. This learning process starts on ‘day one’ and allows apprentices to develop specialist knowledge that enables employers to improve their bottom line performance.
There are also major benefits for existing staff. Employers are increasingly using apprenticeship programmes to support staff development for their current workforce.
Who is it for?
Employers, their employees or potential new apprentices.
How do I find out more and apply?
If you are looking to recruit an apprentice or if you are looking to upskill your existing employee then sign up to the ‘Take on an Apprentice’ Skills Pledge here.
Knowledgeable professionals from the Lancashire WBL Executive Forum will contact you to discuss how using apprenticeship training will benefit your business.
Also take a look at the SORTED information as this details providers and colleges who deliver apprenticeships in Lancashire and their offer. http://www.lancsforum.co.uk/sorted/