Skills Bootcamps
in Cyber Security
What is Cyber Security?
Cyber security involves gathering information about where threats to IT systems come from and how they work, as well as putting systems in place to prevent attacks.
Protecting personal and customer data is increasingly important for many companies as we carry out more of our lives online.
Skills Bootcamps
Skills Bootcamps are intensive and flexible courses of up to 16 weeks, giving people the opportunity to build up sector specific skills and fast track to an interview with a local employer.
Designed with employers, participants will gain the in-demand skills to move into or progress in their chosen sector. Participants will be offered a GUARANTEED job interview upon completion.
Forthcoming Skills Bootcamps in Cyber Security
We have a range of Skills Bootcamps starting soon, with places exclusively for Lancashire residents. Browse the Skills Bootcamps, visit the provider websites and register your interest.

This 12-week Skills Bootcamp is designed in conjunction with key businesses and organisations in the Cyber Security sector. You’ll learn essential knowledge that can’t be found in a textbook – like problem solving, communication skills and working in a team, as well as the key technical and commercial skills you need to land a great career in tech.
You’ll learn about why cyber security is essential in our connected world, the threats that cybercrimes present, and the legislation in place to combat it. Our expert tutors will give you the best practice on configuring operating systems including Linux and Windows, and how local networks and cloud computing works. You’ll learn how systems can be attacked and exploited, and how to prevent, identify, protect and detect attacks.
You will be supported with employability training to help you break into your future tech career and introduced to a network of employers in the sector.
Course duration: 12 weeks full-time
Course Delivery: Online

This Skills Bootcamp in Cyber Security is designed to help people with no prior tech knowledge to enter the workforce as skilled Network and Cyber specialists, which includes a guaranteed interview upon completion of the programme.
You’ll gain knowledge of Network Architecture, Cyber Security Fundamentals, and Cyber Threats. Students will develop a broad understanding of the fundamental building blocks needed to work with Networks and Cyber Security. You will also receive support with employability and personal development.
The topics at this level establish a solid understanding of cyber security fundamentals, information assurance standards and cyber risk mitigation. You will also get a chance to take part in group projects to put your skills to the test.
This course also gives you career support to prepare you for interview and a tech career after the course in a number of junior tech and security roles.
Course duration: 12 weeks full-time
Course delivery: Hybrid; online, in-person

If the Skills Bootcamps in Lancashire do not match your career goals then visit to view the nationally available courses.